Because of our generous donors, all of our services are free and confidential! Thank you!
About Our Free Pregnancy Clinic
Answering a call to join the Lord’s work in the pregnancy center ministry, our CEO, Dana Cox has developed a team of highly dedicated nurses, sonographers, administrative staff and volunteers. With three locations, our need for committed workers is always growing. We value each one of our team members who sacrifice their time to make a life-saving difference in our community.
We now have four locations, with the addition of our new East Fort Worth clinic to our three Arlington locations. The clinic provides specialized medical services, education, and consultations to roughly 8,000 clients a year. Every woman who enters the clinic meets with a Registered Nurse.
We believe that a woman deserves a safe and confidential place when seeking information regarding her reproductive choices and sexual health. Since we are able to offer our services free of charge, every client knows we do not financially profit from their decision. We are merely here to serve them.
Metroplex Women’s Clinic gives medically-accurate information about abortion, but we do not offer referrals. We do, however, provide consultations on the two other options available to them, parenting and adoption. No woman leaves our pregnancy clinic without the information and help she needs to make an informed choice.
Metroplex Women’s Clinic is a non-profit corporation, operating completely through your compassion for the unborn and financial giving. As a result of our volunteers and the tax-deductible donations, we are able to provide answers and hope to each person who walks through our doors. Through individuals, foundations, and organizations, we are truly making a difference for women and families in the Metroplex area.
Our Team
We depend on a team of dedicated staff and volunteers. With three locations, our need for committed workers is always growing. We value each one of our team members. It is their sacrifice of time and devotion that is making a difference in our community.